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  1. L

    Emergency Lighting

    Hi, So, I have a bit of any emergency, the light for my russian tortoise went out, but because he's new and I got him from a friend, I have no idea what bulb she was using. About 2 days ago the light went out and hasn't turned back on. I'm managing to keep my torotise warm by letting him walk...
  2. L

    Update and New Questions

    Thank you so much! This helps a lot!
  3. L

    Update and New Questions

    Hi, about two months ago I posted that I got a new Russian Torotise and needed some advice about his enclosure and pretty much everything. The responses were amazing and they truly helped a lot. Since then, I have updated his enclosure to a bigger size and changed his substrate. The other day I...
  4. L

    New Tortoise, New Everything

    Thank you so much! I'm still using the light my friend gave me so I'm not sure what it is exactly, I'll change it as soon as I can. The temperature of his enclosure never goes below 60 during the night and during the day it ra get from 80-95 degrees. For his diet, he's been eating a variety of...
  5. L

    New Tortoise, New Everything

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
  6. L

    New Tortoise, New Everything

    Of course!
  7. L

    New Tortoise, New Everything

    Thank you so much! He's about 10 inches big and unfortunately my friend didn't know his exact age, so I don't know how old he is
  8. L

    New Tortoise, New Everything

    Hi, I'm new to this site! I recently got a new tortoise, a Russian Tortoise I believe, from a friend who longer wanted it (she sorta just gave it to me) and I accepted because I want to take care of him. I soon realized that there is a lot that I don't know and the further research I did the...