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    Somalia/Ethiopia Pardalis

    Hi Tom, Is the importation of leopards banned also in south America?
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    Somalia/Ethiopia Pardalis

    1. The herbs I give them are: dandelion, mulberry leaf and vine leaf. 2. Babies are kept indoor in a big PVC terrarium, at 28º Celsius and high humidity. The adults and subaduls stay in the gardon all year, they have a big wooden house at 25ª where go during the night and w
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    Somalia/Ethiopia Pardalis

    Hi Alex, I just keep them as you do with the normal Pardalis Babcoki or Sulcata. I prefer to keep them indoors when they are babies, to have more control on the temperature and humidity. I try to feed them with wild herbs as much as possible, also give them some Maruzi food, and once a week...
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    Somalia/Ethiopia Pardalis

    About the colorations of this Subspecie, some people say they are more white than pardalis babcoki. It is because, as they will get bigger and grow faster, some times when they are still medium sizes they look really really white. I've been asking to other breeders in Asia where they have really...
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    Help me identify this Pardalis tortoise?

    Hello, No, that is not a giant Pardalis from Somalia. I have 2.3 Pardalis from Somalia and they are arround 50 to 60 kg each one. Sooo big.
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    Somalia/Ethiopia Pardalis

    Hello I am new in this forum, I am from Europe (Spain). I have a breeding group of 2.3 Giant Pardalis from Somalia and many babies. If I am not wrong there are no pardalis from Somalia in America but I would be pleased of exporting if you are interested. I can share photos and all information...