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  1. J

    How do I know if a three toed is about to lay eggs

    Hi, could you share tips to having your girls out in their habitat all year round? Pictures would also help. I need to do the same.
  2. J

    Wintering my new three-toed box turtle in Texas.

    Would you please share your habitat. I am also in the process of building
  3. J

    Southern (DFW) Texas, 3 toes box turtle?

    Perfect! That’s what I was looking at and wondered it would be quicker than trying to build it. I’ll return the water and get a large saucer.
  4. J

    Southern (DFW) Texas, 3 toes box turtle?

    That’s just a temp spot. I’m here to get suggestions beyond what I find on Pinterest and YouTube. It’s only been in here going on the 2nd week. The little dish only goes up to the feet not past the full legs. The dish is much smaller than the picture displays. I actually get worried that it...
  5. J

    Southern (DFW) Texas, 3 toes box turtle?

    It only fell in that one time and that was the first time we noticed it then released it. The other 2 times it would go near the side where our air conditioning unit is near my back window going under another gate we put there to keep the dogs from going back there. I wondered if it actually...
  6. J

    Southern (DFW) Texas, 3 toes box turtle?

    I posted him on Next Door in my neighborhood to see if he belongs to anyone, but I got several people who stated they wanted to take him to add to their collection and others stated o need to put a fence around my pool. I already have a fend separating half of my yard, others stated to let it...
  7. J

    Southern (DFW) Texas, 3 toes box turtle?

    Hello! My husband found this 3 toed box turtle trying to get out of our pool and after we released it twice it kept coming back roaming our yard. I have dogs that are let out supervised thankfully and I was able to save it the third time it came back. Well, here I am with the turtle and I...