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  1. T

    Tortoise opening and closing mouth

    I’ve seen him yawn. It dosnt look like a yawn but no sure. He did it was he was sitting in basking light. I believe he is about 1-2 years old. He eat lettuce hay and a salad topper. I also have an outdoor enclosure for him to get natural sunlight.
  2. T

    Tortoise opening and closing mouth

    There are no bubbles at the nose. No watery eyes. Have not seen him do it when he is resting. I try and keep it at 85 degrees in the day and about 80 at night. Humidity is at 50 most the time. I’m not completely sure what substrate I use at the moment. Id have to look when I’m home
  3. T

    Tortoise opening and closing mouth

    I have a Herman tortoise. He just started opening and closing his mouth. Making a chomping noise. He still eats. And dosnt make noise when breathing unless I pick him up. Wandering if I should be worried about RI?