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  1. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    Hi, looking for advice! Captain Pugwash has lived with us for 18 months and is generally normal for a Russian! This summer is turning out quite nice so far (we are in North West UK) so have let him spend time in the back garden over the last few weeks. He does seem to enjoy the change but...
  2. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Heat lamp drama

    Ok...I'm a terrible tortoise mum :-( please can you all come round to my house (kettle's on) and sort out my lovely tortoise - he needs a new house and new lighting, new substrate and possibly new curtains and soft furnishings xxx thanks everyone for their help xxx
  3. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Heat lamp drama

    C:\Users\Helen\Pictures\2012-04-14\210.JPG C:\Users\Helen\Pictures\2012-04-14\212.JPG C:\Users\Helen\Pictures\2012-04-14\213.JPG Hope these pictures upload! We got all the lighting as a "starter pack" when we got Captain Pugwash...I'm really confused and worried that I'm doing totally the...
  4. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Heat lamp drama

    Captain Pugwash lives in his vivarium in our living room and has a UVA lamp, a UVB lamp and a heat pad for overnight. Today we have noticed that the blue paint (?) has peeled off the UVB bulb (the bulb is 4 months old) so it is bright white light shining through. We are worried that the bright...
  5. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Russian Tortoise snotty nose

    Answer machine at vets - emergencies only. Captain Pugwash is quite young (shell 8 x 7 cm, 115g) so hasn't hibernated. He's perked up lovely this afternoon - had a good explore and eaten his dandelion and lettuce leaves. His substrate is small wood chippings which I spray with water twice a...
  6. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Russian Tortoise snotty nose

    That is our vet - closed today (Good Friday) so will have to hang on :-(
  7. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Russian Tortoise snotty nose

    Hello! Just wondering if anyone has any advise regarding a sneezing Russian Tortoise with bubbles coming from his nose? He's eating as usual (mixed leaves, weeds and twice weekly baby food with calcium mixed in) and his temperatures are 80-100 during the day and 70ish overnight. Weeing and...
  8. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    I'm not even pretending to be close to "expert" status, but I had this problem too - problem solved by mixing the calcium powder with a spoonful of baby food...Captain Pugwash loves the stuff! (he does look at me as though he knows he's been tricked though) xx
  9. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    I need a skunk...husband says "no - they stink" I need a new husband - this one stinks :-(
  10. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    A Couple Of My Other Pets

    What in heaven's earth has happened to that kitty?!? See a vet immediately! <jokes> :-)
  11. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Does anyone else do this?

    Stems are Pugwash's favourite bit! I like the crunch sound it makes too! x
  12. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Favorite Snakes?

    Favourite...snake?? Never actually seen those 2 words in the same sentence before...odd ;-)
  13. CaptainPugwash'sMum

    Night shift.

    Hello fellow night-shifter! I'm a nurse in Manchester UK and have just over 2 hours left until I can go and play with my lovely tortoise (oh, and the kids!) Hope your shift is ok!
  14. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    So far, no more sneezes! He's eating again and just setting off on an adventure around the living room...very releaved! Thanks for the advice! xxx
  15. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    Bump/nest/knot...enlighten me, I meant Darling Husband who doesn't appear to be bumpy, nesty or knotty :-)
  16. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    I'm on a night shift so only know what my DH told me...will check him when I get home...worried he's not eaten though because he normally loves his greens :-s
  17. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    He's been really active until this evening, being very mischievous but then wouldn't eat this evening. Temperature has been the same as usual, enjoyed his usual bath - everything else normal. He's started rubbing his face with this front legs and retracting his head into his shell. He's sneezing...
  18. CaptainPugwash'sMum


    Captain Pugwash is sneeeeeezing! Panic stricken! Xx