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  1. K

    Torty nails

    Hey i'm just wondering if we should be cutting our torts nails at all? and if so how much is safe to do?
  2. K


    I've been soaking them - which they seem to enjoy and also taking them out to play in garden for a bit every day. Am going to drop night temps & look towards getting heat bulb and get rid of mat. They seem wuite happy and healthy. They have a big bit of bogwood i bought from an Aquatics place...
  3. K


    Hey All, I have 2 hermanns tortoises I am very new to looking after them so I would be very grateful on any information you could give me!!! I dont know the age but can give length and weight if that helps?! tort 1: 60mm and weighs 60g tort 2: 60mm and weighs 48g Also i have read loads...