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  1. T


    Thanks , I get really worried about him!! I imagine what he would try eating in the wild. He is eating fine and gave him big drink today.
  2. T


    So my 15 pound DT got hold of a styrofoam plate in the yard and looks like took a few chunks out, maybe 1 by 1 inch size. Not sure he ate it or what...he ate alot today so I will keep eye on his poop and hope he dosent get impacted. Any thought ideas?
  3. T

    Anyone else have CDT/DTs up and awake from brumation?

    Mine woke up about 10 days ago, gave him big soak and he cruising outside now. The cold weathers got him holed up under my tool bench. But he is eating well.
  4. T

    greetings new Desert Tortise from No.Ca

    Thanks, I can see have to join modern era and get some pics posted up!
  5. T

    greetings new Desert Tortise from No.Ca

    I have a 30 y/o desert tortise named taxi that was found 10 years ago walking thru the street...been registerd with state and all that good stuff. Just joining as seems good place for info and such. thanks, Will