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  1. Merrit321

    New Substrate

    Replacing the substrate in my tort's cage and decided to take some pictures of it. Hope you enjoy! :D Whatcha gonna need: Substrate! Here, I used tropical soil from All Living Things, but any sort of coconut husk type material works fine. A pitcher! Something that you can measure...
  2. Merrit321


    I took a trip to Petsmart today to pick up a few bricks of Ecoearth for my tort. My mom had brought me, and with any trip to a pet store, you have to look around at other things. My mom saw some glow in the dark sand and said I should get it for my geckos. I said that sand was bad for reptiles...
  3. Merrit321

    I'm back! :D

    I've been gone for quite some time now, but my grades took a downward spiral and I moved, so things have been hectic and my life online about my tortoises is far back on my list of priorities lately. But I'm settled in my new home, and so are my reptiles. My grades are at a stable level, so I...
  4. Merrit321

    Zeus and Orion

    Here's some pics of my two leopard geckos. Zeus is a bit camera shy, but Orion is practically a model :D Zeus: Orion:
  5. Merrit321

    Forum Ranking

    Anyone know how the forum member ranking system works? Is it measured by a combination of posts and time since registration?
  6. Merrit321

    Wandering Jew

    I've got a pot of it in the back. It's gotten out of control, but I don't want to waste it.
  7. Merrit321

    Lightbulbs foor a Greek

    Well, I have some PetCo gift cards, so what do I buy?
  8. Merrit321

    Grenade's Enclosure(Very Due to Change)

    This is the enclosure I set up today for my Greek tortoise. After Christmas, I'll change the hide, get a bigger water dish, and perhaps add a waterfall and foliage. But for the next few days, this is how it will stay, with the exception of some bulb changes. Here it is burrowed up in it's...
  9. Merrit321

    Grenade takes a bath!

    Here's some pics of my Greek taking a bath earlier today. Sometime in between these pics, the flash started to weird it out, so I stopped torturing the poor thing :D
  10. Merrit321

    Hibernation Oozing

    Well, I have two what i suspect to be Russian tortoises (They have all the distinctive marks, but their color is a bit bright) and one of them is hibernating. Well, I was feeding the tortoise not in hibernation, and I noticed some of the substrate had stuck to the side of his shell. When I...
  11. Merrit321

    Plastic Enclosure Heating

    Well, I have recently realized that my adopted tortoises' 20-gallon glass aquarium was wayyyy too small and they bumped into the glass, making a racket for the whole house to hear. I plan on putting them in a large plastic storage bin. The issue I have hear is heating. My dad pays loads of money...
  12. Merrit321

    Grassland Tortoise?

    My friend was given two "grassland tortoises" but can no longer take care of them and is giving them to me. He works at PetCo and has a care sheet, but (call me paranoid) I don't exactly trust A massive corporation's judgement be right judging from the enclosure the animals are in at the store...