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  1. mardigidydog

    My EBT stays in the water at all times.

    Update! Last night I took her out of the water and placed her next to a log then covered her with moss. When I went out this morning to check on her she was still next to the log covered in moss with her head sticking out. She began cruising around the pen once it warmed up some and then...
  2. mardigidydog

    My EBT stays in the water at all times.

    I haven't noticed any nasal discharge or swelling on the side of the head. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she just really likes the water. [hr] Thanks, I didn't realize that. Oops! [hr] The nights are starting to get really cool in SC. Mid to lower 50's last several nights. I am...
  3. mardigidydog

    My EBT stays in the water at all times.

    Is this normal behavior for an EBT to stay in the water all day and night?
  4. mardigidydog

    My EBT stays in the water at all times.

    Sorrry I am having trouble on my phone. Is it normal behavior for an EBT to stay in the water all day and night? when I remove her from the water she will go back in.
  5. mardigidydog

    My EBT stays in the water at all times.

    Sorry, I was posting from my phone and having issues, probably my fault. Anyways, she stays in the water and when I take her out, she will go back in. Is this normal behavior? The other turtles will go in the water on occasions but not stay all day and night.
  6. mardigidydog

    My EBT stays in the water at all times.

    I adopted a female Eastern Box Turtle a couple of weeks ago. I have an outdoor pen with 3 other females and 1 male. She is always in the water dish(paint tray). When I feed them I pull her out of the water dish and place her near the food. SSheShe grabs a couple of bites
  7. mardigidydog

    New member

    Hello I live in SC and recently found two female box turtles. I have been doing a lot of research on this forum/internet and I am interested in breeding them. I built a pen on the side of my house with all the turtle amenities. I am now in search of a male. My intentions are to release half of...