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  1. Salgadoxx

    My Russian Tortoise finally woke up from brumation!!

    :tort: here she is! Carly! eating her lettuce right after she woke up, im glad she didnt have problems eating, she has always been a BIG eater, she went on brumation early in November and woke up just today!
  2. Salgadoxx

    My russian tortoise woke up in the middle of the night

    thanks so much for your answers, i appreciate each contribution. Carly is doing much better now :)
  3. Salgadoxx

    My russian tortoise woke up in the middle of the night

    Is it normal for my russian tortoise to wake up in the middle of the night just to wander? last night my tortoise woke up after sleeping for a while then i heard alot of noise and she was atively walking and wanting to climb things in my bedroom like she would normally do during the daytime. As...
  4. Salgadoxx

    Im just a new user

    Hi im new to this forum, My name is albert I only own one female russian tortoise named Carly I bought her from petco about two weeks ago. I recently took her to the vet and she tested positive for pinworms however she is taking her medication now and her appetive is very stable -she loves to...