Search results

  1. T

    Should I buy this tortoise?

    :tort: Hi i've been looking for a hermanns hatchling and i've found the best one, but after about 1 month messing around with certificates not being valid and having to wait more and more the certificates are through but i'm not aloud to go and pick this tortoise up the seller wants to come to...
  2. T

    Music for torts

    HAHA headbanging tortoise!
  3. T

    Music for torts

    Nice didn't know that about wavelengths. And if they react to vibration then bass isn't going to be very good, do you know what wavelengths they react to because i could make some music for it. :tort:
  4. T

    Music for torts

    :tort: sounds good but i was thinking different musics for different moods? like your waterfall sounds for bed time a bit of dubstep for afternoons in the sun! would this stress the tort out or not do you think? :tort:
  5. T

    Music for torts

    :tort: Hi I was just wondering, as i was doing my daily rave, would a tortoise like music? I mean alot of animals react to music like dogs, horses, hamsters, dolphins, whales ect. has anyone ever tried with a tortoise though? :tort: :D From Tiny
  6. T


    :tort: Hi i'm new to torts and the torts community. I live in UK England and and getting a Hermans trotoise, it will be my first. I'm a 14 yo male and love animals, I own a pony (i'm not a big pony lover but i love my pony), a dog, 3 rabbits, and a tortoise very very soon. ;) I've found this...