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  1. M

    Hello Im new

    Hi Abie Im a new tortoise mummy too and ive totally fallen in love! im in the uk too... in the south east x what tort do you have?
  2. M

    newbie with a baby ibera

    I was worried to start with as she was so active.... to the extent of being trouble! she kept on climbing onto to top of log hide thingy then ending up on her back when climbing down id right her then she would be straight back to climbing!i was so worried of her doing it while i was out that i...
  3. M

    newbie with a baby ibera

    Hi, lovely to meet you both... i have wanted a tortoise for years and years after first seeing tiny babies in an exotic pet shop it never happened what with kiddies and moving houses but now im done having children! ha ha and were not moving again for a long time so i started doing my homework...
  4. M

    newbie with a baby ibera

    Hi everyone, Im genie, I live in kent england and im the happy new mother of a 4 month old baby ibera called Gloria ( fingers crossed she is a girl!) i have 2 children (4 & 10) and lots of other animals but nothing as unusual as a tortoise so ill be on here looking for fab advice.... im...