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  1. teensy2525

    diarrhea with rocks?

    Thank you Tom!! So would ingesting the rocks be the cause of the diarrhea then? Sure appreciate your knowledge and help!!
  2. teensy2525

    diarrhea with rocks?

    Thank you. There are no rocks in his indoor enclosure, but rocks all over my backyard. I will try to remove as many as I can from his outdoor enclosure, or at least add a bunch of sand/soil mixture to put a good layer over them? He is definitely passing the rocks, i'm just surprised he is...
  3. teensy2525

    diarrhea with rocks?

    I just adopted an 18 month old Sulcata. He's been doing great, but yesterday he had some diarrhea, and this morning it was worse, and full of pebbles. He spends a lot of time outside each day. He eats grass, hay, dandelions, collard greens... he hasn't had any fruit. What could be causing...
  4. teensy2525

    sad news

    I'm sorry to hear this. Very sad.
  5. teensy2525

    Sulcata wheezing

    Buddy seems to be doing better today. I cancelled our vet appt. I can still hear him breathing, but it's not as loud and the wheezing has stopped. I'm thinking it was a lack of humidity. At least I hope that's all it was.
  6. teensy2525

    Sulcata wheezing

    I would take her to the vet if she has the bubbles coming from her nose. Better safe than sorry.... Even though it can be costly. Good Luck and keep us posted. Thx. [hr] And jacqui, I think the humidity may have been to low, so I splurged and bought a repti fogger.... Hoping that helps. He...
  7. teensy2525

    Sulcata wheezing

    He is 2 1/2 years old, and there are no bubbles or any discharge at all from his nose. I have an appt. with the vet tomorrow... are you aware of what else would cause the noisy breathing??
  8. teensy2525

    Sulcata wheezing

    Hi- I'm worried about my Buddy. He seem like he is having some breathing issues. He is making a wheezing noise, and also he is breathing and exhaling kind of loudly. I have been soaking him daily for the last couple of weeks, prior to that He soaked 2-3 times weekly. I live in phoenix, and...
  9. teensy2525

    Hello Everyone I Am New To This Forum

    Welcome I'm new here as well! :tort:
  10. teensy2525

    Newbie from AZ.

    Thanks everyone! Sent from my iPhone using TortoiseForum mobile app
  11. teensy2525

    Newbie from AZ.

    Hi, My name is Tina, proud owner of an awesome Sulcata. I live in Phoenix, AZ., I have had Buddy him for a year now, but I'm constanly unsure if I'm doing everything right... so that's why I'm here, to learn a lot, and make some new tortoise loving friends!!