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  1. H

    what tortoise?

    I have done quite much research before that tortoise moved to my house. We are living in apartment house, so here is always warm 23-26, and I like to keep it that way, because I like warm too. I would like to have terrarium for her, but now I live in small apartment and I dont have enough...
  2. H

    what tortoise?

    Ok, thanks for information. I have had this tortoise now few years. She used to live in terrarium size of 1,60m*1m, but she doesnt like that at all, so I let her to walk and live freely in our whole home, about 40m^2. And she is quite big, 19cm and 1400g for in that terrarium too. She has...
  3. H

    what tortoise?

    Ok thanks! :) What do you think about mixing species? I mean like testudo graeca ibera female with testudo hermanni boettgeri male?
  4. H

    what tortoise?

    Hi! I have this one about 6 years old female tortoise. First i thought it was testudo hermanni, but now im not so sure.. can somebody please help me to identify this tortoises specie? some pics