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  1. F

    Mated Pair Star Tortoises For Sale

    They are sold. Thank you.
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    Mated Pair Star Tortoises For Sale

    Due to the high number of hatchlings we have and are caring for on an ongoing basis, we have decided to part with one of our Sri Lankan Star Tortoise pairs. Mork is seven years old and Mindy is eight. They are both breeding age/size, and laid eggs for the first time last spring. None of the...
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    Bo and So say "HI"

    Wow! Those are some impressive tortoises! I feel as though the dog doesn't know site what to make of them! I'd kill for enough land to keep beauties like that!
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    Yeah, I have to really resist the urge to feed my Monk and Sharona too much fruit because they love it so much. Even if I'm feeding it to any of the other animals they lift their heads up and peer over at me in a sort of not overly amused way, as if to say, "Seriously? The canaries get papaya...
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    Occupational hazard

    That's hilarious and the look on his face is really adorable. He looks really unamused and somehow it seems as though he's pretty sure that you're to blame! How cute!
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    Finaly some good HD pics

    Stunning! How old is that little guy?
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    My CBB F3 Indians

    Stunning animals! Easy to see why they are perennial fan favorites!
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    Orion and His Outdoor Enclosure!

    Gorgeous enclosure! How deep does it go into the ground? Are you afraid of him digging? Ours dip pretty deep on a regular basis?
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    update on my indian stars tiny and pinky !!!

    Ours love hibiscus flowers, too, but we can't keep the hibiscus plants alive. Do you order them from a safe source or do you grow them? I was just curious if you knew a good source.
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    Tootsie and Charlie

    They look like Sri Lankans to me... That's what ours looked like at that age. And, yes, they are gorgeous!
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    Star Growth Rates

    Oh my goodness! They're so tiny! I thought tortoises had to be four inches to ship? Is that somehow not accurate or am I measuring it wrong or what?
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    Sri Lankan's have arrived!

    Those little Sri Lankans are so gorgeous! I forgot how cute they were as babies!
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    Shipping Turtles From Websites

    The breeders in Reptiles Magazine are pretty reputable most of the time. Also, if there are any local reptile expos, that's usually a good place to acquire tortoises. Then you can both talk to the breeder and physically se the animals. Plus, you don't pay for shipping. Anyway, I know the...
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    my other critters

    Cute sugar glider! I've always thought they seemed very cool. But we have pet chipmunks and flying squirrels and they already are kind of like rival gangs in our house (they don't like the smell of each other and they're not friends). My friend has a sugar glider. She calls it her...
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    Mazuri Tortoise Diet??

    What do you guys think of Mazuri Tortoise Diet? My understanding is that, in general, Mazuri is pretty well-regarded. I have a friend, however, who doesn't think that it's all it's cracked up to be and I was wondering what others thought? It's not real cheap, considering the weight to have it...
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    Help, seems unusual.

    We've seen that happen with several of the baby torts we've hatched over the years, as well as other reptile species, and the best we've ever been able to figure is that sometimes the little guys just don't develop properly. One thing with several reptiles is if they hatch too soon they seem to...
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    Which Incubator/can use

    What about Hova Bator incubators for chicken/duck eggs? Can they be set up adequately for smaller species tortoise eggs? What do you guys think?
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    Welcome! Russians are one of my favorites and soooo beautiful! Good choice!
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    New Member

    Thanks everyone for all the replies and welcomes! For whatever reason, there just doesn't seem to be a lot of detailed information on rearing Sri Lankan Star Tortoise eggs online. I can find a lot about breeding them, but that isn't the issue, but nothing about raising the eggs. Not sure if...
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    How easy is a tortoise as a pet?

    Time, space and resources are all required factors, yes, but I think it's important also to let people know that tortoise care is detailed, but straightforward (I always compare it to caring for orchids in the sense that the flowers are particular but not confusing to care for), let we deter...