Search results

  1. Bebopgirlblues

    South Texas

    I asked my husband for more details about where and how he found Valcore. Apparently someone had pulled over to the side of the road, placed the turtle out in the grass and drove off. When he got to the spot where the car once was, there was a turtle crawling back toward the road. I don't know...
  2. Bebopgirlblues

    South Texas

    Thank you to everyone that replied. I haven't noticed anyone searching for a lost turtle but I'll look around to see if someone is. Also the location he was found in was being worked on, I don't know if a line got busted or what but they are currently digging up the dirt every where. If he is...
  3. Bebopgirlblues

    South Texas

    Okay, so my name is Ashley Currently living in Clear Lake, Houston, Tx 77062 I've been married for (3+) years Together we have a son who is two. When discussing pets with my husband, he is the topical male. He wants a puppy, I like puppies but I don't like the training. So I agreed to us...