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  1. Y

    Hi there.

    Hi everybody, I'm a new member on the Tortoise Forum and it's AWESOME! I'm 13 and own one Russian Tortoise who is a year old named Elmo, and he's is a recent addition to the reptile kabosh here. One Midland Painted Turtle, Howi, he's probably around 8 and I've had him for 3 years. He got...
  2. Y

    Russian Tortoise Containment?

    Hi, I have a Russian Tortoise (Elmo). He is only a year old, so not very big. He used to live in a glass terrium, but my mom decided it would be good to get him something a little bigger so we got him a ZooMed Tortoise House. It's very big and there will be room for Elmo for years, but he...