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  1. F

    Help please: Tortoise seems to be leaking !

    Yes, its just water, not mucus. At this time of year we would expect him to be eating a lot and charging around. Its warm and there is plenty of food. He should be eating well and storing up some weight, but he's just not interested, even though he is still active. If I go to the vet I guess...
  2. F

    Help please: Tortoise seems to be leaking !

    The water is coming out of his mouth. I figure it may be some kind of respiratory problem but the discharge is'nt mucus like - its just water. He is otherwise active - but not eating.
  3. F

    Help please: Tortoise seems to be leaking !

    Hi there ! We have a much loved mature mediterranean spurred Tortoise, probably around 50 yrs old. He has enjoyed very good health. Has a good environment, lots of access to weeds, dandelion plants etc and has survived for decades in the care of the family. But he is worrying us a bit at...