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  1. M

    Greek Tortoise Substrate

    Hello All! I have 2 greek tortoises and I was wondering what everyone with greeks use as substrate. I usually use aspen but I was wondering if there was something else I could try. I have tried the eco earth or coconut fiber and they hated it. It was always in their eyes and given the choice...
  2. M

    Greek Tortoise Substrate

    Hello All! I have 2 greek tortoises and I was wondering what everyone with greeks use as substrate. I usually use aspen but I was wondering if there was something else I could try. I have tried the eco earth or coconut fiber and they hated it. It was always in their eyes and given the choice...
  3. M

    Hi All!

    Hello and thank you. I am not planning to breed them at all. i got one first and then the other and i thought i had 2 males but then i started looking into it and (what was magnus then) now maggie may be a female? i really have no idea. I also dont know if they are both just greek or one is a...
  4. M

    Hi All!

    this is maggie. I am unsure of the sex of this one [hr] Thank you for the information! I will give that a try! they also eat alot of the weeds in the garden and there are absolutely no pesticides :) i posted some pictures so hopefully that will help
  5. M

    Hi All!

    this is them together. Im sure Stitch (the smaller and lighter one is a male but i dont know about maggie)
  6. M

    Hi All!

    this is stitch the much smaller of the 2
  7. M

    Hi All!

    How do i post pictures ??
  8. M

    Hi All!

    Hello All! My name is Claire and I have 2 Greek Tortoises (i think). I got them both from petsmart and i know they are not the best source but i saw them in that tiny glass cage and didnt want to leave them there any longer. The bigger and darker one, Maggie (female) and the smaller more golden...