Search results

  1. I

    Which website can provide me a list of all tortoises

    Those websites have provided useful information for me, But i still not discovered what kind they are. i cant find them there (I checked the list one by one), (i also asked zoologist and my brother about them and they said that they cant recognize those tortoise.) (i think that they sub species...
  2. I

    Which website can provide me a list of all tortoises

    This is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!
  3. I

    Which website can provide me a list of all tortoises

    Yesterday i got a large amount of tortoises(and some water turtles), Some of them arrived to me in critical condition (Ticks,Maggots(Larvaes),Damaged shell,Eating problems,Vision problems) I managed to heal them but i could not identify some of them(usually I identify them all), I have to...