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  1. J

    my russian tortoises are very inactive.pleae advise

    i'm off to the shop to get a new uv light!!!!!! thank you for all your help
  2. J

    my russian tortoises are very inactive.pleae advise

    i'm in liverpool,england and yes i think they are captive bred.thank you for your basking bulb is only a couple of weeks old and but my uv light is about 2 years old-i didn't even give this a thought-does it need changing?i have thermometers which both say the teperature is ok.
  3. J

    my russian tortoises are very inactive.pleae advise

    yes they do.i'm keeping an eye out for any aggression problems and i'll split them up when necessary.thanks for your help.they are due to go to the vets for their annual check up/worming etc but its miles away and i didn't want to disturb them if it wasn't needed.thanks again
  4. J

    my russian tortoises are very inactive.pleae advise

    i have been told not to hibernate my tortoises as they are too young(about 4-5 years).they are kept indoors in a heated enclosure with uv winter approaches they are becoming less and less active-only really waking up after a soak.there is very little poop and they are hardly eating.they...
  5. J

    red lump

    she's home and seems fine.yes he is a tort vet and he was great with her.she needed worming too so guess where my other tort is going tomorrow!thanks for your concern everybody,this is a great site with really friendly,helpful people.
  6. J

    red lump

    she's at the vets as i type.he says its a prolapse and he's going to pop it back in and do investigations to see why it happened.The vet says she should be fine but i hope my husband doesn't find out how much it's costing me.....
  7. J

    red lump

    it doesn't go back inside when pressed but it didn't appear to distress him either.I'll try and get a photo on
  8. J

    red lump

    hi i'm new to keeping tortoises and i've just lifted one out after his/her soak and noticed a pea shaped pink growth under her tail.looks like a small cyst.I will phone the vet tomorrow but does anyone know what it is or whether i need to do anything right now?it's a horsefield tortoise about...