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  1. CherryBerry

    African Leopard tortoise check up?

    Thank you for the replies, I will be ordering a different substrate for him, I was told that the dry pellets were right for him by the shop owners but clearly it isn't. I want what's best for him as he is precious to me! Any tips on food for African Leopard tortoises? I want to give him a more...
  2. CherryBerry

    African Leopard tortoise check up?

    Thank you, we were misinformed as we were told that substrate was correct for the tortoise. I will be getting new substrate for him soon as I wouldn't want to cause any problems. When you say soaking him daily, should I give him a little bath every day? Have you any other tips to help prevent...
  3. CherryBerry

    African Leopard tortoise check up?

    Thank you for the reply, is the pyramiding at the moment anything to worry about? I was advised that the substrate I am currently using was good for the tortoise but after reading the advice on here I will be ordering new substrate as I want the best for him, of course. And thank you, he is my...
  4. CherryBerry

    African Leopard tortoise check up?

    Hi everyone, I have a tortoise who I got when he was a baby in 2009 at Christmas, and I was just wondering a few things. He is an African leopard tortoise btw :tort: So first of all I was wondering if his eyes seem ok, as in his lids look fine and eyes look healthy. I worry he gets...