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  1. Amanda.L

    Help Help Help! I'm so lost....

    Thanks Yvonne! That's basically the game plan I have been following. She prescribed injected antibiotics, which we completed about 2 weeks ago, a parasite medication, a surgical scrub that I'm doing daily, and then following with iodine for 20 min and rinsing off. I'm concerned that new ones...
  2. Amanda.L

    Help Help Help! I'm so lost....

    I've had some serious conversations with the vets on this, both have said 60-65% and everything that i heave been told has said 30-40. which is where they are now. There's about 5 different mini climates in their enclosures that allow them to go from about 20-65 on their own.
  3. Amanda.L

    Help Help Help! I'm so lost....

    Ok so hi! My name is Amanda, I live in Edmonton(our weather sucks), and I'm in need of some massive help. We have 7 russians, 4 of which we have had for over 2 years, and we acquired 3 new ones a month ago. We got them from a breeder here, who's friend no longer wanted his russians. I trusted...