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  1. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Thanks again - Can anyone suggest the correct light that I need - I am worried that if I go to the local Pet Supermarket I'm going to be given something that isn't upt o the job - someone has mentioned a Mercury Vapour bulb? or do I look for a tube that states it gives of UVB rays? Is MBD...
  2. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Thanks Emysemys for some great advice - the vet has never mentioned the lighting - I will source new light tomorrow. Thank you
  3. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Hi, Sorry for the very long delay in responding but we have been under the vet for over a month now! Thanks to all of you for your suggestions much appreciated. I am fast losing faith in the vet and feel I'm thowing money at him for nothing so I am back to speak to you, the real experts...
  4. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Thanks to everyone for your help/advice. I'm pretty certain he hasn't been dropped or bumped by anyone. I'll try the different diet but he is reluctant to eat leaf greens by hand but will take fruit quite eagerly, will try the calcium dusting more frequently. The overall temperature in the...
  5. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Thanks for your questions, answers as follows. No too much natural sunlight as it's not often hot enough for him to go outside but have a sunlight tube in the tank Diet of fresh fruit and veg daily - cucumber, rocket, lettuce, apple, banana, tomato (not all at the same time!) Natural calcium...
  6. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Thanks for the quick reply, here's a photo of the tortoise in it's house, cant do a garden shot it's dark...if anyone needs further info let me know. Cheers
  7. T

    Tortoise Legs

    Hi, I need some help, my daughter has a three year old Herman tortoise whcih has been absolutely fine since we got it two years ago. Within the last week she noticed it seemed to stop eating. We left it for two days and still no sign of eating. Tonight I hand-fed it and it ate a lot, it...