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  1. Angie C.

    Plants for redfoot tortoise enclosure

    I’ve been meaning to plant their outdoor enclosure for awhile now and would like to plant a whole tropical garden. Are colocasia and alocasia ok to put inside with the redfoots?
  2. Angie C.

    Outdoor enclosure for Burmese Brown Mountain Tortoises

    Love your enclosure. Would like to know what plants you out to grow in there.
  3. Angie C.

    need help with my russian tortoise please

    My baby tortoise seems to have bubbly watery eye and he seems to cat fully open his eyes, it worries me a lot. He likes to graze when I put him on grass. But he seems to like never comes out of the cave and just sleeps. I've never seen him come out. The substrate I use is forest bark by exo terra.