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  1. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question Here's two picture of him, the one inside was just taken. He seems to rather be roaming around the house right now than in his enclosure. The other picture is of him outside. I was concerned about what looks like pyramiding on his shell. He's always seemed to have a...
  2. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    Let me take some pictures of him, he just got over being sick so he may not be the most photogenic tortoise :P
  3. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    Will do! I would definitely like to stick around, this is a very helpful forum. I'm going to be relocating shortly from Florida to the north west, so I'd love to take a look at some enclosure ideas for when it's winter time. My tortoise and I are very lucky to be living in Florida at the moment. :)
  4. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    So, I've been watching him extremely well, Soaking him every few hours, giving him a little extra heat at night and during the day. Today while I was sitting here, he began eating some of his hay. I gave him some shredded carrots and he ate them all up. Right now I soaked some hay in water with...
  5. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    One last question for the evening, some of you suggested to soak him in water with baby food (carrot), I have organic carrot juice that also contains fruits, would that be something I could add into some water for this evening and soak him? Or would the fruit make it not great to do.
  6. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    I've had him a long time..the profile picture on the left was how big he was when I got him, and now he's a healthy size for a 2 1/2 year old sulcata. It may only be a fraction of the duration of his life, but a lot more for mine. :)
  7. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    No, he's actually never visited that place before, and he did seem to enjoy it quite a lot.. I recently moved here for business and I can say he isn't in a condition that I would prefer for him. He has everything he needs, it's more of an emotional thing at this point. I won't be relocating for...
  8. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    I so much appreciate your help. None of you have any reason to help, but you do. I've really grown attached to my tortoise over the past 2 and a half years and don't want anything to happen to him. It made me quite happy that when I took him outside earlier, he seems to run around like nothing...
  9. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    My concern is, does soaking him provide proper hydration? If I could provide him water from a syringe I would, but I don't know how to make him ingest water. He doesn't seem to drink, he seems to only sit in it. I believe you could be right, if it were toxins that could kill him, would it have...
  10. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    He hasn't been moving much, except for when I brought him outside today. I've been keeping him inside a shallow basin shower until he improves. I've been filling it up every few hours, I will make sure to get some baby food in the morning and make sure to keep him warm.
  11. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    I'm just hoping nothing will happen to him by Monday. That is my biggest concern. I've looked online but there's very small information online about vomiting. It mostly just says "Go to a vet immediately."
  12. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    No, he pretty much just grazed, I didn't take my eye off of him because their yard is not fenced in. Every 5 minutes or so I had to pick him up and move him back to the area where I was. He ate weeds, grass as far as I know. Could it be something he ate? I didn't see anything specifically in the...
  13. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    I asked my friends who's house I was over if they ever spray pesticides on their lawn or plants, and they said that they never have since they moved in 10+ years ago. That was my main concern. As I just finished posting this, he threw up for a 2nd time in the past 2 days. I immediately noticed a...
  14. Mike A

    (sick?) Sulcata Tortoise Question

    Hey everyone, Little bit of back story: My tortoise is about 2 and a half years old, he eats Timothy hay mixed with dandelions and occasionally tomatoes. He has the proper UVB and UVA bulbs, soakings 2-3 times a week and we live in Florida, so the temperature and humidity are great. My...