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  1. J

    Newly Adopted Russian Tortoise

    Ok my tortoise eats all his leafy vegetables in 1 sitting then snacks on his tortoise pellets the rest of the day.
  2. J

    Newly Adopted Russian Tortoise

    My tortoise usually eats almost everything in his bowl with just some left over.
  3. J

    Newly Adopted Russian Tortoise

    How much do you feed him?
  4. J

    Newly Adopted Russian Tortoise

    Another question I've seen things saying feed your tortoise as much as it can eat in 20 mins to as much in 4 hours so what do you guys usually do?
  5. J

    Newly Adopted Russian Tortoise

    I just adopted a Russian Tortoise. He eats and is very active but why does he never use his water? And he is always trying to dig out or escape even with his view blocked.