Search results

  1. sheri85

    box turtle with beak issues, mucus in nostril?

    so my box turtle whoopi seems to be having some issues (see this thread: i've been waking her up and offering food, and have only had success with canned cat food, which i know is really bad. so yesterday i...
  2. sheri85

    box turtle still not waking up

    so my box turtle Whoopi has been hibernating since late november, and normally she's awake in april, but we're almost to June and she's still not waking up. i've taken her outside and let her walk around a few times (and she did walk around with her usual enthusiasm and speed), but as soon as...
  3. sheri85

    box turtle not waking up from hibernation

    hi, i'm new to this site but i wanted to seek out advice because i've gotten a jumble of advice over the years and i don't know what's right or wrong anymore. i have a box turtle named Whoopi who i've had for about 15 years. she was full grown when my parents bought her for me, but i have...