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  1. J

    Shell Rot?

    OKAY! just purchased two powersun 100 watt mercury bulbs online for 67 bucks (good deal!). one for my baby beardies and one for my tort. Thank you guys so much, my conscience is clear knowing im doing good by them. they deserve the best. any other suggestions or information is always welcome...
  2. J

    Shell Rot?

    No problem, I do not believe in animal abuse and it is my responsibility to make sure this tortoise gets all the care in the world. I feel I have a LOT of work to do and plenty of things to UNdo from what petco told me to do. I feel like my little tortoise is in a dungeon right now and I can not...
  3. J

    Shell Rot?

    oh wow, im so freakin glad I came on here! yes I bought that bulb, I will buy the better bulb today, I cant believe how little petco knows about the animals they sell... what a shame. I will change her vivarium to the proper environment according to the thread. Thanks to you all! I am all ears
  4. J

    Shell Rot?

    Hey guys, thanks for the quick replies! Yes. the bulb is an infrared because the lady at petco said it would be good to use on her. I feel like she was wrong though because she said they do not need a UVB... but the more I researched I noticed that they DO need one. So I got one! She is pretty...
  5. J

    Shell Rot?

    Hey tortoise experts I just got a Russian tortoise from petco. She is about 4-ish months old and is such an awesome little creature. I have 10 cats, 2 dogs, two bearded dragons, and a leopard gecko, and I spend all of my time taking care of my pet family members! I know so much about cats and...