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  1. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    It's a pest control thread. Discussing ethics and solutions go hand-in-hand.
  2. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    Are you aware of what the debate actually is? I'm saying it is wrong to catch an animal such as a mouse on a glue trap, and deliberately allow it to suffer a slow and agonising death. That's the point I have been making the entire time.
  3. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    I don't see the humour in animal cruelty. If someone wants to "debate" that it's ethically okay to force an animal to slowly and painfully die when there are more humane alternatives on hand, then by all means. It'll be showed up for the heartless nonsense that it is. I do not live in the...
  4. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    No lab is going to accept wild mice because their behaviour and biology are completely unpredictable. Lab mice are completely placid and sterile, and are bred for this very reason (unless you include those bred for various genetic dispositions).
  5. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    I don't think what I said is debatable at all. Good to see you got rid of the glue traps. Hopefully this information was enlightening for you.
  6. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    I'm actually going to post an intro thread soon about myself, just that this thread caught my eye because of past bad experiences. I actually don't have any tortoises, but I'm planning I getting a couple, which is why I'm here!
  7. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    In closing, I'd like to post this video from the Humane Society. This one is based in the UK. WARNING - this may be distressing to some viewers as it shows animals suffering: I'd just like to get out there that this is the kind of thing that happens on glue traps. Also considering this is a...
  8. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    I know you won't because doing that to an animal cannot be justified. At all. No matter how much the animal is hated and is a pest to some. Cruelty to animals should be taken seriously, whether it's intentional or it's done by accident. That way, people can learn how to avoid it. That way, you...
  9. J

    Mouse exterminator poison

    I'm sorry, but why did you throw a living creature into the garbage? I found this post a little off-putting. Glue traps are notoriously cruel. Trapped animals will struggle so much that they'll severely injure themselves. Here is an information sheet on how cruel they are. Please humanely put...