feeding tube

  1. A

    Feeding Tube

    My 6-year old Russian has been unwell for a few months and been diagnosed with Mycoplasma. We’ve been going to the vets and trying antibiotics and new foods but he’s still not eating and very lethargic. We’ve decided the best course of action is fitting a feeding tube and this is being done on...
  2. EmW

    Pneumonia and Liver Issue Update

    I thought I'd post an update on how my girl Nelly is doing. She is, we think, at least 60 years old, and has been unwell with an RI since August. It developed into pneumonia and caused liver issues as her body was being overwhelmed with the infection. She had been hospitalised twice, the last...
  3. tamzsturg

    medications made my tortoise ill?

    Hi everyone, so my tortoise’s appetite decreased over the last few weeks to the point where now, he doesn’t want to eat at all. We persevere, and usually manage to get him to eat a couple of his wet pellets, a small bit of broccoli, or a tiny bit of lettuce/kale, and then he gives up and...
  4. T

    Tube feeding, but still loosing weight?

    Hello, I am new here and looking for advice. My 30 year old Egyptian has pneumonia. My specialist vet has fitted a feeding tube to administer Enrofloxacin because the tortoise is so very small and therefore it is difficult to open his mouth to give him the meds any other way. The medication...