food quanity

  1. Z

    My first Tortoise and want to him to be happy

    Hi guys , I am AJ from India . Its been 2 days since I got a sulcate tortoise about 2.5 inch . As a first time owner I'm very curious about few concerns : 1)How many times shroud I feed my tortoise? I am feeding him thrice( mostly hibiscus leaves and flowers and grass ) , he is eating 50 % of...
  2. S

    Parasites? Over-eating? in MA

    I have my approx. 6 yr. old sulcata in the house right night due to the cold weather here in MA. I have an area of the house which I laid down some floor, built a box which goes over 2 corners of baseboard heat so it can get pretty warm in there when heat is cranking. He can come out and in...