
  1. S

    My Baby’s Gender

    So I have 2 baby desert tortoises, either Mojave or Sonoran, maybe some other desert species, I don’t know. Story behind this is I went to Mexico to visit my uncle who has adult tortoises. They laid eggs at one of his houses, around 50 miles away, went to the house we were visiting him at and...
  2. Domm

    Tortoise male or female?

    Hello, My Eastern Hermanns turned four this month and I was wondering if it’s still too soon to sex? Does anyone know if it’s male or female? Ignore how dirty he/she is, they were in the yard enclosure all day and I take them in at night.
  3. pikkutassu

    Is Rémy a girl?

    Hi everyone! Rèmy is a bit over a year now and I've been wondering if he is actually a she. What do you guys think? Looking at the cloaca it's definitely asterisk shaped, but also it's a young tortoise still. Please share your thoughts. ??????