swollen eye

  1. K

    Sulcata with yellow area around the right eye.

    Hello my Sulcata has recently been dealing with a swollen eye and some yellow discoloration around it. I don’t see any discharge coming from the eye. His enclosure is usually about 65 humidity and 80 degrees and above I use substrate that is like a soil consistency and substrate that appears to...
  2. L

    Leopard Tortoise One Eye Puffy and Shut

    Hello again, Our leopard tortoise seems to have one puffy shut eye. She seemed OK the other day but yesterday I noticed this. Her other eye looks to be OK and I don't see any swelling or puffyness. We have bathed her which seemed to help briefly. But this morning she still has her eye shut...
  3. N

    HELP Red Eared Slider Swollen eye, won’t go down!

    Hi. I have a red eared slider turtle. She’s 26, and about a month ago she woke up from hibernation and we noticed one of her eyes with swollen lids. Took her to the vet. They did tests and told us it’s an edema, not an bacterial infection, most likely only swelling. Also I don’t think is...