
  1. L

    White spots on tortoise- does it look like shell rot?

    Hey guys! First-time poster. This is my tortoise, Edward. I've owned him for 13 years, with him being 14 years old. He's a Russian stepping tortoise, and has been free-roaming in my house for his whole life. He naturally got his own habitat in the corner of our house, but he can walk freely in...
  2. iva


    I saw her eating something only to find her biting a praying mantis and a small hairworm came out of it and I couldn't get it out of her mouth resulting in her swallowing it. I read about them and I saw they don't affect reptiles but I'm still extremely afraid. I can't take her to a vet this...
  3. H

    New Sulcata hatchling owner… is this normal

    Hello! Recently purchased a Sulcata hatchling (?) I can’t tell how old it is. Based on weight and length I’m assuming around 2 months old. I have some concerns about its face though. When we purchased it. It looked very dry and the substrate provided wasn’t ideal. We have improved its tank...
  4. Frankiebaby16

    Vet Search - 4 Corners Area

    I am located in Durango, CO and looking for any vet recommendations in the 4-Corners area. I have a 100lb Sulcata and have been bringing him to a vet in Mesa, AZ but he is getting to big for that trip to be managed easily. I’d like to find a vet closer to me to make the trip easier and for any...
  5. stina92

    Any vets recommendation for "Red foot tortoise" in Atlanta GA?

    Hi guys! My hatchling red foot tortoise is pretty sick=( I'm sure he has a respiratory infection. He had the same symptom about 2 weeks ago, and I needed to wait until to see a doctor. So I gave him a tiny bit of "Doxycycline" in his water, and he drank some, and he was recovering. I still took...
  6. snailpeekoutofshell

    Dogs got to my Russian

    I’ve read so many horror stories in the past couple weeks that I can hardly believe this happened to us. Currently my tortoise has been living in a temporary home and I bring him in and outside to get some sun and proper temperatures while I set up his enclosure, and to get some good running...
  7. L

    Please help! Possible R.I.

    Hi! I'm new here and this is my first post. I've had a south african leopard tortoise for almost 15 years and this is the first time she might be sick. She recently came out of hibernation/brumation in mid/late March (kept indoors, I haven't always lived with her but from what I remember she...
  8. A

    Russian Tort Not Sleeping/Eating in Middle of Summer

    Good afternoon all, Earlier this year (back in March), I noticed that my sweet 22-year-old male Russian tortoise had swelled up with edema and was taken to the vet the next day. After an X-ray and fecal float, it was determined that all was well although he had two strains of parasites. I can't...
  9. ahaslem94

    Tough health decision, advice needed

    My box turtle is a rescue and has many abnormalities and deformations of her shell, skin, beak, skeleton, and other body parts due to years of poor nutrition and habitat. She hasn’t been diagnosed yet, but the vet suspects she has internal damage that’s causing other problems. She has recently...
  10. S

    My Russian Tortoise won't eat or move..

    Hi everyone! I posted a few weeks ago about my Russian Tortoise Nahiri and how she wouldn't eat and was very active, running around her table. Some people suggested that she was trying to lay eggs. Others said she may have parasites. I took her to the vet and she had intestinal parasites and...
  11. alyssa_rosa

    Russian Tort Abscess Surgery Southern CA

    Hello everyone! My tortoise had a nasty abscess on her throat. I went to take her in and the vet has removed it yesterday. The overall cost for everything (sedation, pain meds (3 were given to me), ward care, the removal of the abscess, everything absolutely necessary) was $355. It was pricey...
  12. SheldonsKeeper

    Trip To The Vets - Need Advise!

    Hello All, So last night took my new lil rock to the vets and have to say, very very well behaved!!! Not in the slightest scared or trying to hide out in the shell, instead was being very inquisitive and wanted to explore :) The vet has mentioned a few things that I am hoping I could get some...
  13. For Love of Everything Shell

    NO POOP in 3 WEEKS!!! HAAAALP!!!!

    Please HaaaaLP! Bob, My Leopard tortoise, has not pooped a normal sized poop in over 3 weeks...He is currently at the vet and they are having no luck! I will attempt to give all information I know you will all ask for... sorry ahead of time for a crazy long message. age: 9 years in October...
  14. Mimi_toro


    (Anyone that contacts me ill give you the full backstory on the tortoise and my grandparents ) Aya: My grandparents got a tortoise (name aya) that they dont know how to take care of and dropped it on me. I cant take care of her heres the situation : Aya got injured. either she fell when...
  15. omhoge

    How to find a good Vet for your Turtle.

    Our current Vet for our tortoise is fantastic. But it took effort to find her. Even though we live in a big city and were members of the Tortoise Society, we still went through five vets over the years to find this one. We finally found her through on-line searching and reviews and referrals...