California Desert Tortoise Eating Habits


New Member
Sep 7, 2024
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I have two CA Desert Tortoises named Chopper and Harley. I've had Chopper for about 30 years and from day one have made my entire back yard her habitat. About a year ago I got another one who I named Harley, from a local exotic animal rescue. I have noticed that the Harley eats much more than Chopper. Since I don't know the age of Harley, I am wondering if Chopper eats less because of her age. I do remember that Chopper used to have a bigger appetite (like Harley does now) but the amount she eats has diminished slowly over the years. Can anyone confirm that older tortoises eat less than younger ones, or educate me on why Harley eats so much more than Chopper. Both are healthy and are active in every respect.

Thanks in advance,

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