Dirty face

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5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2012
My african sulcata likes to burrow in moist soil and when i bring her in for the night, she tracks soil everywhere! I clean up her feet, under the shell, etc... But her face is still filthy! When i try to wipe her face, she of course hides in her shell. Any suggestions on how to clean her dirty face?


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10 Year Member!
Mar 10, 2012
Put her in the bathtub. It works for me. Use a shower head that has the hose attached to it.


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5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2012
So i should just hose off her face? It wont hurt her or anything?


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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As long as you don't use a spray nozzle, just a hose it won't hurt.


5 Year Member
Jul 16, 2011
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You should try to get her used to you messing with her face and all the tender hidden places, just in case she ever needed something done at the vet or needed a wound cleaned or anything, you never know. I teach my dogs and cats from the very start, and I'm desensitizing my tortoise too. Take it slow and don't freak her out, just mess with her face a little bit every day. So far with my little sulcata, according to what mood he's in lol, I can completely take hold of his back feet and mess with them, and poke my finger in between his arm and neck. Seems like a lot of torts really like their head scratched, some just don't know it yet. Even a little chin scratch. That's a good starting point. I used a soft toothbrush on the head to start with, since I use it to apply vitamin e oil anyway.

jason g.

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5 Year Member
Feb 19, 2012
Weda737 said:
You should try to get her used to you messing with her face and all the tender hidden places, just in case she ever needed something done at the vet or needed a wound cleaned or anything, you never know. I teach my dogs and cats from the very start, and I'm desensitizing my tortoise too. Take it slow and don't freak her out, just mess with her face a little bit every day. So far with my little sulcata, according to what mood he's in lol, I can completely take hold of his back feet and mess with them, and poke my finger in between his arm and neck. Seems like a lot of torts really like their head scratched, some just don't know it yet. Even a little chin scratch. That's a good starting point. I used a soft toothbrush on the head to start with, since I use it to apply vitamin e oil anyway.

I do this with my tort and she's so used to being gently rubbed that I can kiss lightly on her head and she don't even move. She just looks at me like awe dad just put me down and let me eat!!! As far as washing up when we soak I take a small plastic cup and dump it on her her shell and then on her head! She loves it. Warm baths makes her lazy till I get her out then she's off to the races. Truthfully she kicks in to high gear eats everything in site and walks really fast. People always say Wow torts are fast. I reply only when something they want is involved! Lol
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