Do eggs change appearance before they hatch?


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5 Year Member
Oct 26, 2012
Hi! Ive been coming to Tortoise Forum for many years to look up information, but this is the first time I've asked a question... Soooo... I found a disturbed nest of eggs on Friday. One egg was dead and smelly, One egg had a little face sticking out, but it was also not alive. (Appeared to already be deteriorating) I found one very newly hatched tortoise and its doing fine and I also found 5 eggs still in the ground partially uncovered. I left them for the day, but decided to bring them inside to guarantee they wouldn't be eaten by whoever dug up the nest the night before. I know for a fact that the eggs were layed on July 16 - and that it was Mama's second nest. I'd like whatever input you can give me. I have them under a UV lamp for about 12 hours a day and I can see the outlines of the tortoises but no movement. I know they usually all hatch together within a week or so of each other, but they don't really show any signs of hatching. I've also heard that the eggs in second nests have thicker shells which make it harder for the babies to escape. I'm just trying to educate myself a little so if anyone has any experience of this kind, I'd appreciate hearing your stories. Thank you!

Cheryl Hills

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Jan 1, 2016
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Youngstown, Ohio
Well, the eggs need to be in an incubator, not under uv lights. They may still be alive. What type of tortoise will say what temps you want in the incubator. Also, never turn the egg. It could kill the baby inside.

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