eeek! Another emergency!

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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Middle of nowhere
I noticed just now, within the last five minutes, that Carl's shell and plastron are soft. I have never noticed this before with him.

He is outside almost all day every day, gets calcium supplements twice a week with food and then once a week in a soak.

He seems to be acting normal, ate a whole lot today, for him, and has been defecating normally.

The only difference in his routine today was that I was busy earlier and he has been inside all day today instead of spending his morning and afternoon outdoors.

Would such a little thing cause such a sudden change? Is this normal for hatchlings? I'm FREAKING OUT! I have never noticed him having a soft shell before just now, so I'm not sure exactly how "soft" to say it is, but I'd say pretty soft.


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Hatchling shells are usually a little leathery and pliable. Are you sure it has changed, or are you just noticing. I'm not sure, but if the shell was harder and is now going soft, That's not a good sign :( I do t think one day indoors would cause a baby to go soft. Search for Toms hatchling failure syndrome thread and see if it sounds familiar.

Please wait for more experienced people to help, good luck!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Thank you. I just can't think of why this would happen. All I am finding is things about MBD, and how it usually occurs in tortoises kept indoors without UVB lights, but Carl is outside almost all day :(


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 1, 2012
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Middle of nowhere
I guess it could just be pliability, but it really seems like it got softer to me. And reading that really made me cry.... Only thing is, the only change in Carl is the softness. He actually seems more active and more alert, eats more and walks around more, etc. than he has the past few weeks.

He is 3.5 months old.
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