Emergency: Evacuating from fire


Jun 9, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
washoe valley, nevada
Hello everyone,
I need help. There is a fire that is expected to spread 7 miles tomorrow, putting my house in danger. I will not be able to stay home and will absolutely not leave my tortoise behind for the day because if I'm in the evacuation zone, I won't be able to go back in and get him. He is almost 9 lbs with a 10 inch caparce. How can I transport him most safely? I have a large tank from when he was a baby but he can easily climb out of it now. I know I am probably being paranoid but if I leave him home and the evacuation zone consumes my house, all I can do is hope he doesn't die, not to mention that would be leaving him without food and water for an indefinite amount of time. I want to keep him as calm as possible. Any advice, tips, or suggestions? @Yvonne G @Tom @ZEROPILOT


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Tortoise Club
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Jul 8, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Do you by any chance have a dog crate made of plastic? The kind that is closed in, approved for airplane travel? That would work. Or even a big cardboard box, lined with newspaper for easier cleanup. I would leave the top flaps on the box so you could close it, giving him more security.

He will probably poop a LOT, so be prepared for that. They can go a long time without food or water, so you don't need to put any in his box/carrier while driving. It will help you keep the box cleaner.

Another possibility is a plastic bin like you buy to store stuff in. If you have the lid, take it with you. If you're gone for several days, try feeding and watering him on the lid. Again, for easier cleaning up.

Do you have any hand warmers like for being outside in the cold? Once activated and put in the enclosure it would help keep him warm if needed. You don't know exactly what your circumstances will be over the next couple days, so you can't be sure you won't need a heat source. If necessary, a stop at a Walmart could get you all you need...carrying crate or storage box, hand warmers (in camping section), and whatever else you might want.

I will be praying for your house to be spared, and for your safety and for your tortoise.