Feeding Question...please assist

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Active Member
5 Year Member
Apr 1, 2013
Hello, (posted this in redfoot subforum, so plz excuse redundancy)

Yesterday morning i received my Cherry Head hatchling, about 10am EST. It is now approaching 10pm the next day, so its been 1.5 days, and i still have not seen my new little friend eat. I gave food yesterday night, and tonight as well, and did not leave yesterdays food sitting over night. Being that he was shipped from FLA to NJ, is he just still shell-shocked? (pun intended) do i have a cause for concern at this point or has it been too soon. I have offered a wide assortment of food, just to see if i can get him to eat anything at all, ive put in finely chopped: (fresh) collered greens, celery hearts, green beans, a piece of strawberry, raspberry and grape (all organic); and the tortoise food mix i purchased from the breeder. I know its ideal to feed greens and fruit on different days, but im just trying to get him to eat anything at all at this point....I have been a diligent new daddy in regards to temp, humidity etc, so i do not believe not eating is due to any of the environmental stuff, other then he/she being jetlagged from the flight...any info or insight will help to ease this new tortie dads mind...and, if im just being a worry wort, feel free to tell me to relax, lol.....thanks in advance for any insight gang!






Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Mar 17, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County, So Cal
Yep. Needs a little time to figure out wha-happen! He is acclimating and getting his bearings about this new place he is in which he is not familiar with. Did you give your little one a warm water soak? Under the basking area, to keep the water warm and cozy. It is tortie spa time and really helps. Congrats on your new cutie! : )


Active Member
5 Year Member
Apr 1, 2013

Yep, ive given the little one a couple of soaks, although the lil scamp wont stay put in it very long, 5 or so minutes and hot tub time is over, lol...ive been misting and watching the humidity levels like a hawk so i know the environment should be ok. I think i may have made a mistake with lighting though, i got the 100w powersun lamp, which is full spectrum, and heat in one lamp, and a 75w infrared for night heating. I may just witch to the reptisun 5.0 and get a separate light for heat and basking, but lighting was gonna be in my "omg im a moron and need help" thread tomorrow, lol...Ill be patient with the eating thing, i did read it can take 3 to 4 days to acclimate, but i couldnt help but worry...thanks for easing my mind :)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Mar 17, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
Orange County, So Cal
Try to soak at least 15 minutes, supervised. Maybe a larger bowl so little one can't climb out. Warm and cozy. I got two Greeks impulsively from Petsmart last year. OMG, they took forever to acclimate. As I researched, a lot of it here on this wonderful forum and on the Tortoise Trust site, I realized, whoa hell, what a trip they had been in since they were wild caught more than likely. Shell shocked was right. I did baby food soaks for mine, I read about that here (this forum rocks for information), twice a day, half an hour, large bowl = no climb out, supervised to be sure they were safe ... and eventually, finally ... and I am talking weeks ... they came around and allelulia! finally started to eat! I hear ya! Pins and needles. Your baby being shipped, in a box, big hands there, oh no hands here ... so scary. And babies are instinctively afraid of being preyed upon, so don't hover above the little one too much. Just be sure all your temps and humid is stable and that the habitat feels like tortie home as best as possible, plants for hiding and feeling safe. Feeling safe is key. : )
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