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Apr 28, 2009
Hey All,
I have 2 hermanns tortoises I am very new to looking after them so I would be very grateful on any information you could give me!!!

I dont know the age but can give length and weight if that helps?!
tort 1: 60mm and weighs 60g
tort 2: 60mm and weighs 48g

Also i have read loads of different things but, basically would like to check that what im doing is right....

I have the uvb light (repti glo 5.0) on for at least 12 hours - turned off at night - is this ok?

Also i have the temp set at about 90f during the day and turned down to 80f ish at night - also is this ok?

Feeding once a day- the correct foods/weeds is this enough?
also have fresh water once a day!

burrowing they seem to be diggin down in the aspen abit and sleepin semi submerged is this normal?

They are in a 3ft vivarium with a heat mat - I have read about all in one UVB & Heat lamps, would this be better for them? I try to leave a slight gap at the front of tank so they have constant fresh air - it also has ventilation at the back. Haven't had any prob with them climbing at the glass - I'm planning to get some more rocks/hiding places & plants in the vivarium soon.

Any feedback would be brilliant I can also take pics for anyone to view condition would be very grateful :)

Yvonne G

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RE: hi

(Today 12:27 PM)karen Wrote: hey all,
i have 2 hermanns tortoises i am very new to looking after them so i would be very grateful on any information you could give me!!!

i dont know the age but can give length and weight if that helps
tort 1: 60mm and weighs 60g
tort 2: 60mm and weighs 48g

also i have read loads of different things but, basically would like to check that what im doing is right,

i have the uvb light (repti glo 5.0) on for at least 12 hours-turned off at night- is this ok?

also i have the temp set at about 90f during the day and turned down to 80f ish at night- also is this ok?

feeding once a day- the correct foods/weeds is this enough?
also have fresh water once a day!

burrowing they seem to be diggin down in the aspen abit and sleepin semi submerged is this normal?

any feedback would be brilliant i can also take pics for anyone to view condition would be very grateful Smile

Hello Karen
Welcome to the forum
For very good infos, you can take a look at the caresheet http://www.tortoiseforum.org/thread-1000.html.
Do you have a UVA light or the only light you have is the UVB?
Fresh water should be available all the time.
What do you feed them?
Yes it is normal if they sleep half burried in the aspen Smile.
If you have pics, do not hesistate to post them, some expert will be able to tell you their sub-species and we love pics Big Grin Ops, I forgot to tell you that there should be a cold side and a warm side in your enclosure. The warm side is where you want to put your UVB & UVA lights. The temps should look like that:
Cold side: 73-74
warm side: 84-85
Under the spot: 94-95
The night temp in my Hermann's enclosure is around 72-74.


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Hi Karen! I think a Reptiglow 10 would better as they require a lot of UV. A combined heat and UVB lamp might not be a good idea for you because you are using a vivarum - I think too much heat would build up. I'm in favour of an open top table for indoor accommodation, air circulates better and a combined heat/UVB lamp works really well.

I think your night time temps are too high, Hermanns do not need anything like as much. 60F is plenty at night in my opinion.

I'm not in favour of heat mats personally. I suggest you turn it off at night at least. If you are using tube for UV that generates no heat, you might complement that with an ordinary light bulb, these give off a little heat. Then you might not need the heat mat. But I haven't used a vivarium so this might not work well.

In a vivarium it can be tricky to get that temperature gradient that they need as stated in the previous post.

Many of us soak our Hermanns in some slightly warm water regularly, say a couple of times per week. They soon get to like it and it helps them manage hydration.

I hope this helps a bit. Not everyone agrees about some aspects of caring for these animals. Under suitable conditions these tortoises enjoy getting outside, protected from threats of course.


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Apr 28, 2009
I've been soaking them - which they seem to enjoy and also taking them out to play in garden for a bit every day. Am going to drop night temps & look towards getting heat bulb and get rid of mat. They seem wuite happy and healthy. They have a big bit of bogwood i bought from an Aquatics place which they love clambering over and hiding under - also got a wooden bridge that they hide under and a few stones to climb on. They always dig right under the aspen at night - i guess thats normal!?


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karen said:
I've been soaking them - which they seem to enjoy and also taking them out to play in garden for a bit every day. Am going to drop night temps & look towards getting heat bulb and get rid of mat. They seem wuite happy and healthy. They have a big bit of bogwood i bought from an Aquatics place which they love clambering over and hiding under - also got a wooden bridge that they hide under and a few stones to climb on. They always dig right under the aspen at night - i guess thats normal!?

Yes Karen, it is normal :)
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