My greek & I are new here but old together!

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5 Year Member
Aug 4, 2012
Hi everybody!

My name's Samantha and I own a Greek Tortoise named Smackers. I've had him for 12.5 years- he was my birthday present when I turned 7. Now I'm 19 and am embarking on my sophomore year of university. He stayed home my freshman year. My parents didn't do much for him and he became very anti-social and sick.
This summer he's been brought out some and has seen the vet twice. He seems to have acquired a deep respiratory infection & is on a second round of more intense antibiotics. I believe he's on Amikin.

Here are a few pictures of the home my father built him for his new home at school! He's really proud of this cage, as he should be.

My goals for this year are to get him socialized and happy again, he needs to get more active. I'm also going to try to grow my own turtle food. Any tips for that?

The set up. He needs some rocks & such in there

the cage has a removable lid for when we have guests over!

some leafy romaine, and his little hut! Poor guy doesn't come out very easily

If anyone has some advice to help him liven up- it's greatly appreciated.


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Hello and WELCOME:D I don't know much about Greeks. However, I don't see a water bowl. He needs to have access 24/7 to a water dish large enough for him to get in and out of. Also, he needs a much more varied diet then just romaine. Back in the day when you got him, well let's just say not the best info available then. Much more better, healthier ways of raising torts has been discovered since then. Stick around and the more experienced Greek owners will give you some better food choices and also some help for getting him better. Good luck, hope he has a quick recovery.


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Welcome to the forum! Does he get any outside time at all? Whats his diet consist of? He is some sort of North African greek which typically need it hot and dry so I wouldnt leave him outside when its cold and wet if he can go outside. Also your indoor cage is extremely nice but its also quite small for him as well. Also for growing your own "turtle food" there are multiple sites that sell seeds you can grow and I would recommend getting one from and getting the russian tortoise seed mix and that will be a fantastic addition to his diet. If you can post clear up close pics of his carapace (top shell) and plastron (bottom shell) then we will be able to tell you if you have a male/female and possibly the subspecies as well.

Yvonne G

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Welcome, Samantha. Where are you planning on going to school?


5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
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Pittsburgh, PA
Welcome to TortoiseForum! Along with the other good advice, I would suggest getting some organic soil, or coconot coir to mix in with your repti-bark. Greeks LOVE to borrow, and the bark makes it a bit hard for them to do so. Mixed with the soil you can make a nice deep substrate with interesting consistency for him!
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