soon to be? maybe...

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chase thorn

10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Colorado Springs, CO
so i have been doing research on almost every type of tortoise for years! ever since my dad brought home two sulcata yearlings when i was 6!
i have two sulcatas at my dads and a russian at my moms. i live at my moms. i am wanting a hatchling RF or a cherryhead! but i can only fit a 50Gal tote in my room. i live in an apartment as of right now. i am moving in two years to a larger house. my question is...

would it be right to get a hatching and house it in a 50 gal tote for 2 years? would it get to big before i can get a bigger enclosure? on AVERAGE how many centimeters or inches does a RF get in a year?

ANY opinion is welcome!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Ok, now...this is MY opinion, and you will have to make your own decision (which you probably have already done and just want to see how many people agree with you).

I've seen it happen too many times: Someone THINKS they will be moving into a larger home in the near future so they get a tortoise. Years pass and the tortoise is starting to look pretty deformed from still being kept in his indoor (small) habitat because the house move never happened.

My advice is to wait until you are in your bigger home before buying a tortoise.

chase thorn

10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Colorado Springs, CO
emysemys said:
Ok, now...this is MY opinion, and you will have to make your own decision (which you probably have already done and just want to see how many people agree with you).

I've seen it happen too many times: Someone THINKS they will be moving into a larger home in the near future so they get a tortoise. Years pass and the tortoise is starting to look pretty deformed from still being kept in his indoor (small) habitat because the house move never happened.

My advice is to wait until you are in your bigger home before buying a tortoise.

i can completely agree, i would not want to be selfish towards the animal just for my "wants"... i think it would be a safe bet that i should wait. or just get one and build another enclosure at my dads. but thank you. things happen and i could very well end up not moving.


i think stick to little dude until we move :D but i know how you feel!
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