Tortoise doesn’t want to eat weeds


New Member
Aug 7, 2020
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I have recently adopted a 6 year old horsefield tortoise and he only seems to want to be eating romaine lettuce and watercress. I’ve gotten weeds such as bindweed clover and teazle which he seems to ignore. Should I be concerned as I know they need a varied diet.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2018
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Tortoise Hell
Chop up and mix the foods you want to incorporate with mazuri tortoise diet model number 5M21 aka the big pellets. Tortoises are going to be more likely to eat those types of foods when they're coated with the stuff than simply putting lettuce into the mix. I personally prefer eliminating lesser nutrient greens entirely as food choice than to try to slowly ween them off of it. Mazuri does a very good job of doing that.

Lower the amount of mazuri from time to time in order for them to appreciate the taste of flowers, broad leaf weeds, and succulents.

Golden Greek Tortoise 567

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2019
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Colorado Springs,CO
I have recently adopted a 6 year old horsefield tortoise and he only seems to want to be eating romaine lettuce and watercress. I’ve gotten weeds such as bindweed clover and teazle which he seems to ignore. Should I be concerned as I know they need a varied diet.
He probably was started on grocery foods, torts that have that get picky. If you continuously offer it to him and make sure he can’t pick it out like @Minority2 said then he will eventually eat it. Torts are stubborn, the trick is to be stubborner. ?


New Member
Aug 7, 2020
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Chop up and mix the foods you want to incorporate with mazuri tortoise diet model number 5M21 aka the big pellets. Tortoises are going to be more likely to eat those types of foods when they're coated with the stuff than simply putting lettuce into the mix. I personally prefer eliminating lesser nutrient greens entirely as food choice than to try to slowly ween them off of it. Mazuri does a very good job of doing that.

Lower the amount of mazuri from time to time in order for them to appreciate the taste of flowers, broad leaf weeds, and succulents.
Ah thank you will give that a try!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Tortoise Hell
Another way I found that may or may not work is to continually eat food in front of your tortoise. Make sure they're watching you enjoy your meal before they get theirs. It's going to make them so desperate that they'll attempt to chomp down on just about anything you give them on the first try.

Now if that doesn't initially work you continue to lure that tortoise by stuffing your face until that tortoise finally stops being stubborn and eat what you give them. Like @Golden Greek Tortoise 567 says you gotta outlast their stubbornness.

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