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  • Just wanted to say hello and merry Christmas from a worthless ex-con. Hope you and the tort kids are doing great! Love ya my friend!
    I am wondering if someone can identify white lines on my red foot? Seems to be in between scutes.
    Hi I was hoping someone could help me. One of my sulcatas scutes fell off and a few seem loose where you can put your finger nail under Idk why or how. Its like a dirty white and brown color underneath and Idk what to do can someone plz help
    Hi! I was wondering since you live just a little while away from me, if you have a vet recommendation? I can't seem to find one now I live here. Thank you!!
    Sorry to bother you, but I have a question: my tortoise hatchling is sneezing after taking a bath and drinking from it. Is sneezing bad?
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    Reactions: mandy#2
    If after soaking your tort is sneezing, that is pretty normal....I would only become concerned if the tort is randomly sneezing, mucus from nose, lethargy and an overall appearance of ill will....
    Hi my greek tortoise who is almost a year old (will be one year old in December) has not been pooping lately. He continues to eat regularly and bathe regularly (30 minutes every other day in luke warm water) he tries very hard to get his stool out but always fails. He used to be very active and such but lately he has almost seemed weak. Should I take him to the vet? Please help. I'm very concerned for him. Thank you!
    Can someone please direct me to a member who is expert with three toed box turtles? I have two rescues that I need to understand, and then carefully place with appropriate keeper. Thank you so much, Karen
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