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  • 2nd half of personal message. Light should be about 15 inches to 18 inches above substrate. Some may disagree with me but I've seen the change in my own pyramided tortoise. I would hate to see your beautiful babies look anything but perfect and would love to have some of these one day as well.
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    Reactions: CarolM
    Sorry to bother, But I what brand do you recommend for the UVB? As we are fairly limited here in Cape Town with choices. Must I get the Tube or will the MVb bulbs work? We have the powersun bulbs, repti zoo brand, and exo terra brand. I will also need to go to the pet shop to see what they have, as they do not have their products online.
    Also Repti-sun
    And the Mega Ray
    Hi Carol
    Right kind of lights but too small. I use 4 foot fixture with 2 lights. UVB 5 or UVB 10. I give about 12 hours a day. This works for my Redfoots. Have tried 2 and 3 foot and did not give enough surface radiating area or intensity or light and still pyramided. If the fixture has a reflector less of your expensive lights will go to waste.
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    Reactions: CarolM
    I don't actually have a reflector other than Tinfoil over the top. So the UVB one that I have I should get the higher one or is it a longer one? Sorry just want to understand properly.
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