Recent content by lendube

  1. L

    Ever evacuated with a tortoise?

    Oh Joe, I saw the smoke from yours for days. That was so sad and scary, the scope of those fires. I hate this time of year. Did you have a plan in place if you did have to evacuate re: your Sulcata? My guy, a Hermann's, is only about 6" long so he could easily stay in the bathtub of any hotel if...
  2. L

    Ever evacuated with a tortoise?

    We had to yesterday. Evacuation is nothing new for us. Brushfires are a horrible common occurrence here. Yesterday at about 11 a.m. when we realized it was time to go we had an additional beastie to think about. I grabbed a small cardboard box, threw in some timothy hay and put him in the car...
  3. L

    Sad news

    I'm so sorry. I'm quickly seeing (new owner) how attached a person can become. They're special creatures. Thanks for caring for and about him.
  4. L

    Hello! I'm new here and could use some advice on feeding

    Hi and welcome. I'm new too so I'll leave the answering to the ones that know. Good luck. You're a good person to want to do right by her!
  5. L

    "We call him Tortoise because he taught us." Lewis Carroll

    "We call him Tortoise because he taught us." Lewis Carroll
  6. L

    Hi! Meet the very beautiful Sam!

    She's a lucky and beautiful girl. How nice of you to care about her. Welcome. I'm very new here and to tortoises myself.
  7. L

    A behavior.

    Well, there ya go! Think I need to study up more on the physiology of these guys. Thank you both so much.
  8. L

    A behavior.

    No, it's more like a deliberate movement. If he put more force into it he'd be digging but he's not. Thanks.
  9. L

    A behavior.

    So new so please indulge me. My Eastern Hermann's got this little behavior. He just sits very quietly with his back legs tucked under and his head just above his front legs which are pulled up close. Then the front legs are moving in a very gentle back and forth. Just the legs are moving like a...
  10. L


    Love it! Great pic. I have a dog named Betty. "You Can Call Me Al" inspired. :) She's lucky you found her.
  11. L

    Is this wildflower seed mix safe?

    Oh, thanks. Totally missed that it was flower seed you were talking about. Didn't look closely at your files..... Assuming again. Got to stop assuming. Got to stop assuming.
  12. L

    Is this wildflower seed mix safe?

    We've been planting wild bird seed for our tort. Springs up in a day or two and he loves it. Hope it's okay for him. It's the stuff from Costco. Thanks for asking, Jessica.
  13. L

    Can I please get a concensus?

    Oh the hours my kids spent dressed up and playing Ninja turtles! They had a blast. Thanks for the pictures. To someone new to these wonderful beasties it's all a bit confusing. I feel like I'm learning quickly though. The internet is so awesome! I'm so happy to be here on this very friendly...
  14. L

    Can I please get a concensus?

    Oh, I'll joke with him alright............. ;) Chris, I watched one of your earlier videos and what a good job you did. A pleasure to watch. I'll watch the others and check out your two sites now that I know for certain what I have. You are a wealth of information. (And the same age as my son...
  15. L

    Can I please get a concensus?

    Oh, thank you so much! Nah, it was more each of us holding our ground in a stubborn manner, Tom. We're long time happily married. :) It's what I thought after doing my research using Chris' videos and other website. Hubby thought it was a Desert Tortoise based on the fact that we live only 6...