Recent content by The_Four_Toed_Edward

  1. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Selecting a Turtle/Tortoise species

    Basically, the choice between temperate and tropical species comes down to the colder weather and how you are able to accommodate for your tortoise. With temperate species you have to be ready to brumate if you want to keep your tortoise mainly outdoors...
  2. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Selecting a Turtle/Tortoise species

    Any temperate species would probably work for you. Info for your research: Info on temperate species:
  3. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Is this safe

    I believe that it is a plantain of some sort (though I am not sure from the picture), maybe broadleaf plantain (Plantago major). All plantagos are safe
  4. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    RT vomit and diarrhea

    Sick tortoises may seem dead even though they aren't. Some say to wait for 48 hours, unless there are clear signs of death.
  5. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    RT vomit and diarrhea

    I would recommend you give your tortoise a soak in warm water every day while he is sick to avoid dehydration as he is losing fluids from his body. Is he eating fine? Does he respond if you touch his feet?
  6. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    manouria emys emys veggie intake

    I am no expert in manouria emys, so I can't advice on the percent. Beans can't be fed raw as they contain a toxic compound that disolves in high heat ( Tomatoes and peppers are so high in sugar that in a tortoises...
  7. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Newbie Tortoise (Horsfield) owner looking for reassurance/advice please

    These threads are recommended for all new keepers to read: For tortoises that young (if he is in fact 6 months...
  8. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    My tortoise is not eating after antibot and is only sleeping

    Keep him indoors while it is still hot out to prevent this from happening again
  9. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    My tourtise oping his mouth and there are alot of bubles

    Have you already taken him inside? I recommend you take him indoors and give him a soak, he is probably overheated and dehydrated.
  10. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    My tourtise oping his mouth and there are alot of bubles

    Yeah, but is there a chance he has eaten substrate or something else that is not food?
  11. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Are these plants safe as shelter plants?

    Yeah, I will leave the dog wood out :)
  12. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    My tourtise oping his mouth and there are alot of bubles

    Is there a chance that he has eaten something unsuitable? Has he thrown up? Is he eating? Is he acting normally?
  13. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Prickly lettuce??

    The tortoise table is a bit overly cautios about his plant in my opnion. Prickly lettuce does produce latex containing oxalic acid but in my opnion it can be fed as a part of a varied diet. (See this thread message #6).
  14. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    I think my tortoise is dead?!?!??!!

    Do you have an update on your tortoise?
  15. The_Four_Toed_Edward

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Leave the play sand and moss out they are both impaction risks and the sand can irritate the turtle. I unfortunately can't really advice on what you should do with your turtle, since I don't know your area...