Recent content by Tortymama

  1. T

    Alice the Russia tortiouse

    Oh sorry where can I find the proper grasses and weed to plant andfloers. Can they eat dandy lion heads what types of flower do they eat also
  2. T

    Alice the Russia tortiouse

    Thank you so much where would I find the ornamental grass or thistles
  3. T

    Alice the Russia tortiouse

    With her being fed fruit before I got her takes her some time to eat greens but she eats quickly. How much should I feed her a day been doing it twice a day and she still looks for food am I not feeding her enough do you think
  4. T

    Alice the Russia tortiouse

    Ok I'm worried she had three blueberries band a half a strawberry before I knew she isn't supposed to have fruit am only giving her greens now
  5. T

    How much can a Russian tortiouse eat at one time

    She goes through her greens in no time how much should I be feeding her I put food in their two times a day is this too much
  6. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    Ok hubby loves her. She eats mostly mugs and loves earth worms. We don't give her worms too much but she get crickets all the te she has to chase them down she also gets greens
  7. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    I saved as a hatchling do I set her free
  8. T

    Alice the Russia tortiouse

    Umm she will walk through he water dish I am keeping an eye on her water she doesn't seem to go in there and search her home for where she goes potty I just the repti bark. Umm the suggested spot cleaning I'm just not seeinghe poopy place want to keep her home clean. . Ant other ideas of where a...
  9. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    Can she eat flowers themselves or the leafs
  10. T

    Paint outside of Zoomed Tortoise House

    What about plastic storage stubs like you would buy from Walmart they are pretty deep but worried about space if that is going to be issue
  11. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    They run unchecked in neighborhood not mine sorry
  12. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    What is best size home we have dogs who run around unchecked worried about leaving outside what can I use for outside. Live in GA. Up worried about too humid so using retibark
  13. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    Where would I find proper calcium to go on get veggies
  14. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    I heard some flowers might work if you give leaves can I look up flowers or proper veggies and pellets. I also read about cuttlebone s is that the right info
  15. T

    Alice the Greek tortoise

    To mess up anyore doing this on a phone sorry